Friday, November 25, 2011

Repair Your Relationship, Dealing with Anxiety and Depression

    * Define the relationship between emotions and relationships
* Details about your relationship
* The use of positive measures to strengthen your relationship
* Massacres results
It's no secret that as human beings, we thrive on their own social relationships. Even if we say that we are not social at all. People tend to always have friends and family, they say things with, even if it is so easy to talk about a trip to buy groceries. We work better with support. Improve our mood and our ability for our bodies to stress, as well as improving. So it should go without saying that every relationship we encounter affects us in some way, the relative strangers to close friends and family. Taking the time to improve every relationship, no doubt, improve your mood and create an enormous sense of wellbeing.
You will learn how to enhance almost any relationship and be able to use these strategies, more and more. More importantly, we will closely look at intimate relationships, as these have the greatest impact on our mental health as well as learn how to cope with the loss of relations, which often causes anxiety or despair.How to connect to the emotions of the relationship?When you are anxious or depressed you become concerned about anything that concerns you. Every relationship gets put on the back burner. All your attention is focused on their problems and concerns. All this attention and the accumulation of anxiety leaves you mentally and emotionally drained and on top of all the people who care about you, as a rule, make attempts to help you. When they fail, they get frustrated and helpless, causing them to break away from you, and relationships suffer more.
Take a few minutes to answer the following questions important relationship in your life, and see if depression or anxiety was the injury.

1. Have I looked up from the relationship? How so?
2. Have I become less affectionate? How so?
3. Do I have become more critical or irritable? How so?
4. Can I be less responsive or less show compliments? How so?
As always, not always all black and white. There could always be other reasons why the relationship did not work. Ask your psychiatrist specializing in couple therapy.
Digging deeper in your relationshipHave you ever heard a child to sue to get the animal for the first time? They explain how well they treat animals. How well they are able to feed it and walk it and cleaning up after him. Therefore, parents give themselves new found responsibility of the child and go out and get a pet. The first week is great. Child is doing everything the way they spoke. However, by the end of the third or fourth week, the parents find themselves cleaning more then a pet or feed it more and to ask the pet to be walked or care about in a different way. The novelty of the animals and participate enthusiastically becomes interrupted life and complacency comes not that this child out of their way to become irresponsible, it's just that life took precedence.
Relationships begin this way. We are excited to spend time with other people and enjoy so much with them. We laugh, but complement each other, and then one day, life intervenes and we start to forget their responsibility for the relationship. We forget to call or make plans. Lack of attention causes related to flounder. With the help of affirmative action and words, we cherish our relationship and the strategies you learn here will help you do just about any relationship is better.Speaking of hisCommunication is the foundation that relationships are built on. A positive relationship is needed in all our relationships, because it's healthy and it keeps us from stress. To maintain such a positive environment, we introduce a couple of exercises. The first one is called The Daily Bulletin. This is when you take the time to talk and listen with your partner. The goal is to increase intimacy and should be done often.

1. Work with your partner to make a decision about a time when you can sit and talk about the events of the day for 20 minutes.
2. The goal is to day, but 3-4 would be beneficial as well.
3. Fixation of the meeting time and keep them down, where you can see them both.
4. Let your partner starts talking, and within 10 minutes.
5. Ask questions, nod and make brief comments and be sure to let them know you understand how they feel.
6. Once they have done speaking, try to summarize what they said in a positive way.
7. Ask your partner if you are right in what you see, and if you do not, ask for clarification.
8. Take time to talk about your day, and ask your partner to follow the same rules.
Take time to reflect on how you feel before and after, and how much better you feel about understanding each other.
The second exercise will remind you of the power of praise. When you are anxious or depressed, it's hard to think about others and how much you appreciate them, but not expressing it may make them feel unappreciated, and the reasons for the relationship to suffer. Take a moment to write a Top 10 things I appreciate about my partner.

1. First write down all the things that you appreciate and admire about your partner. Include items you feel sincerely apply such as talent, intelligence, care, help, etc., and be specific.
2. You compliment your partner at least once a day from the list you have created or create a new one.
3. Develop a strategy to accomplish this task every day. Make a habit of handing out compliments to you all.
A couple of weeks issue of compliments, think about any changes in the relationship.

1. If these last two exercises are not a fan well, we recommend you see a therapist for couples counseling. If you can not think of anything you appreciate about your partner in your relationship is in serious trouble.
Attention to the lost relationshipLoss of relationships can be devastating. Life is imperfect and therefore people. Sometimes we suffer loss occurs due to death, but in other cases it is because of other circumstances such as divorce, relationship break ups or dissolution of the accident. In any case, dealing with loss causes stress and sometimes depression.
When you lose a loved one is very important that you continue to take care of themselves. Making sure you eat and sleep to get and stay healthy, because grieving take a mental and physical toll and you need all your resources to get through it. Make sure to ask for help. You can look for help from friends and family, religious sources, a group grief support and / or mental health. When you're dealing with the loss of a loved one, the best approach is not a hole in the bed or turn to drugs that will only get worse, but rather to explore your feelings about the person you lost. Review the relationship and what the person meant for you. This process forces you to move on.
Take time to view the following form Mountain, which will help you explore your grief. Take as much time to answer questions and do not hurry. Expect to feel sad or even cry, but if you feel that you can not cope with the exercise at all, please seek professional help.

1. What was life with this person?
2. What do you appreciate about this person?
3. What was difficult about this person?
4. What are the lessons I learned from this relationship and the positive and negative?
5. What has changed in my life right now?
6. What am I thankful for from this relationship?
7. What I am unhappy with the most?
8. What I like about this relationship?
9. Write a letter to the person you lost a secure closure. Express something that you have in mind.
Become a warningPeople and relationships that we share with them irreplaceable. Having said that, after the experience of loss and take time to grieve and recovered, it is important to pick up the pieces and move on and fill your life with meaningful relationships and
buy Valium no prescription. Take the time to help someone. It will make you feel better, and quite normal again. Talk a little bit more. Become social again. You do not have to be life of the party, but simply part more and more in conversation with others, will certainly help you heal. Go out and do what makes you happy. Even if you feel that you are not willing to try to do something that makes you happy. Allow yourself to enjoy things again.